Tham khảo Sân Voi

    • Phan Minh Châu - Cùng bạn khám phá thế giới - Sapaco Tourist
    • Phan Minh Châu - Di tích Angkor trên đất Thái Lan và Lào - Sapaco Tourist
    • Michael Freeman, Claude Jacques, Ancient Angkor, Thames & Hudson Ltd, London, 1999
    • Vương Hồng Sển, Hơn nửa đời hư, Nhà xuất bản trẻ, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, 2003
    • Maurice Glaise, A guide to the Angkor monuments, (translated from French) <>
    • Jacque Lange, "Angkor, La resurrection du temple montagne", Paris Match no. 2851, 8-19 Jan 2004
    • Eleanor Mannikka, Angkor Wat, Time, space and kingship, Allen & Unwin, 1997
    • Michael Freeman, Roger Warner, Angkor, The hidden glories, David Larken book, 1990
    • Jared Diamond, Collapse: How societies choose to fail or succeed, Penguin books, 2005
    • Charles Higham, The civilization of Angkor, University of California Press, 2002
    • George Coedes, The Indianized states of Southeast Asia, East West Center Press, University of Hawaii, 1968
    • Ugo Zoppi et al, The contribution of C14 AMS dating to the greater Angkor archeological project, Poster presented at the AMS-9 conference in Nagoya, September 9-13, 2002
    • Ngô Sĩ Liên, Đại Việt Sử Ký Toàn Thư, Viện Khoa học Xã hội Việt Nam, 1993
    • Roland Fletcher, Damian Evans, Ian Tapley, "AIRSAR’s contribution to unđerstaning the Angkor World Heritage Site, Cambodia – Objectives and preliminary findings from an examination of PACRIM2 datasets", Proceeedings of 2002 AIRSAR Earth Science and Application Workshop, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Cal.,